Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Prevent Condensation on Your Air Ducts

As homeowners, we’re often very aware of any issues we have with our air conditioning and heating systems. However, we tend to over look a very important aspect when it comes to our units: the air ducts.

It’s important to make sure your air ducts are working properly for a number of reasons, as the air ducts are responsible to keep either warm or cool air moving throughout your home. One problem that homeowners often face is condensation in their air ducts, which can be a huge issue for you and your family. Condensation can cause mold to grow and bacteria to build up, which is then pushed out into your house, where your family breathes it in.

We’ve got a couple ways that you can make sure your air ducts don’t build up condensation, no matter how humid or warm the surrounding area might be.  

When checking your air ducts, make sure they’re completely and properly insulated. This is a requirement for all air duct systems that aren’t air conditioned themselves.

When checking for potential causes of moisture or condensation, you should make sure that all the ducts are sealed properly. If there’s any sort of leak or water damage, you can probably assume that there will be moisture build up. If you do spot an issue like this, it’s important to get it fixed by a professional right away.

Make sure the condensation pan is draining the way it should be. Also check the cooling coils and the insulation around the coils to ensure there are no wet spots, as this can be problematic to the ducts. 

If nothing seems wrong, but you want to be extra precautious, install a humidifier to help keep condensation out of the air ducts. This can especially help in the summer time when Arizona tends to experience monsoon season, which brings rain and humidity.

These are some easy things you can do on your own to make sure your air ducts are working well and not building up any moisture. If your air ducts aren’t working properly or something doesn’t look right, give us a call at (623) 533-5718.


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